Saturday, March 28, 2009

41 weeks and 1 day

Yup. that's not a typo. I am officially goint into my 2nd week of being overdue. The mornings are the hardest. I guess by the end of the day I am just used to being pregnant like I have been any other day but in the morning, when I wake up, I feel a little let down that I haven't started doing anything. well, I will be going out again today to get active and hopefully something will happen. You know I joked through my whole pregnancy that I was going to have an april fools day baby. It might actually happen that way.

Be careful what you wish for people.... you just might get it!!


  1. Make sure you get lots of rest too Mama! My water usually breaks days before even one real contraction and a couple of times I have made the mistake of going, going, going trying to get the labor kick-started and then when I was finally pooped and wanted to sleep it off, it was labor time!

    You are so wise and patient (even though I'm sure you're having moments where you're feeling impatient :-)) It is so nice to see how relaxed you are since you know that all is just fine!

    Enjoy these last few moments with baby inside.

  2. I completely understand the disappointment in the morning. Every night before I go to sleep I am thinking "Well, maybe tonight will be the night" and when it isn't I feel so disappointed.

    Our time will come! :)
