Wednesday, April 22, 2009

time passes so quickly

I can't believe he is already 3 weeks old today.

Things have been going great! my girls love playing with their little brother and Alex is so thrilled to have a son. I wish he was able to spend more time at home, but he is working hard to support us and go to school. I know I say this all the time but I am just so lucky to have such an awesome husband.

Cyrus is nursing so heartily! He loves him some boobie! I know alot of breastfeeding moms don't like the term "boobie" but I love it! and since it is my boobs in discussion, I will call them whatever I want. I don't care if my 2 year old asks for some boobie. I think it's cute. Yes I plan on nursing till at least 2 years old. (gasp) I know that is shocking to some of you but get over it people! It's the best thing for him and since Lexi has so many food issues, I will nurse for as long as I can. (well I may not be as hardcore as some moms. I think it's a little surprising to see a 4 year old breastfeeding.)

He is getting so big already. We are going to do another weigh and measure tonite so I will update to let everyone know how big my little monster is.

Well I'm not going too many places lately. I am really trying to focus on homeschooling again now that I'm not overly pregnant and laboring on and off. It's also hard to wrangle lexi with a newborn in tow so I usually wait till Alex is home to go most places. If you wanna hang out, you are welcome to come to my place!

well I guess that's it for today. anyone with good info on ECing, send it my way. It's something I am considering.


  1. Have you joined the big EC yahoo group? It can be a great resource :-) I've been on it for about 2 yrs now.

  2. I love ecing!! but I likely won't start until my little guy is 2 or 3 months old...which will be 3 months sooner than I started my daughter....just enough time to resume 'normal' homeschool life! lol

  3. We have been EC'ing Lilah since she was born almost three weeks ago. It has been so amazing to watch her show signs of needing to go.. now I can't believe I missed them in my other children.

    We have also been taking it easy, and staying home.. which, I swore i wouldn't do because I am NOT a homebody, but I am so greatful for the time I have with just my family and I.
