Friday, March 6, 2009

fellow UCers

I got to hang out with some other women who have birthed unassisted today. I have met one other woman who wants to but is not due till next month. It was really nice to talk to other women face to face about their experiences. I finally felt like I was one of a group rather than one of a kind. It was definitely refreshing to not be the oddball. It felt so normal and natural to be talking about it rather than everyone else sitting around saying "wow you're brave" or "I could never do that". Sometimes I want to say to those same people "well you are brave to trust the life of your child to some person you know nothing about". I am so excited for this birth! I feel so empowered as I prepare myself. I am loving my pregnant body right now. My husband loves my pregnant body right now. Aside from the aches and pains and the occasional nerve shocks here and there, I just feel so womanly and beautiful. I have this life inside me that has grown from the size of a single cell. It is so gratifying to think that I am a creator.

I guess our little babe has dropped down further into my pelvis because my appetite has picked up immensely in the last 2 days and I can suddenly breathe easier. At lunch today I ate more than I normally eat when I am not pregnant and didn't even feel like my stomach hurt. I probably could have fit a dessert in there if I had wanted to lol.

I wonder when the time will come. I keep telling people I want to spend time with them before the baby comes but there may not be enough days on the calendar......

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