Thursday, March 26, 2009

patience is a virtue

So yesterday really seemed like it would be the big day for the big move. I started having much more intense contractions at about 2pm and they continuted throughout the afternoon and evening. By 9pm I was really feeling like I was definitely going to be having a baby that nite or early in the morning, although I knew I still had a ways to go. We watched a movie and by the end of the movie, I was hardly even paying attention to it anymore. My "rushes" were 3-5 minutes apart and lasting nearly 2 minutes and were getting to be very intense.

By midnight I felt like I needed some rest since I had been up since 5 AM that morning. I knew that if I stayed up walking around it would stay consistent but I also knew that I would be exhausted. Even upon laying down, the rushes still came for another 2 hours or so. Then the next thing I knew, I was waking up at 5 am to pee and really didn't feel any at all. SERIOUSLY????? I know alot of women go through this but my last labor was 4 hours from start to finish. It's not like this is my first rodeo. I understand what is happening inside my body. I am still at peace with being overdue, I am just starting to worry about what we will do with our kids when the real time comes. They have been away from home for 2 days because I have been laboring on and off for 2 days. I have to pick them up today and I guess just wait until it's close to the big ball drop. how do you plan for the unplannable??

well here we are at day 6 of being overdue. can't be too much longer right??

1 comment:

  1. Hugs!! Just is just getting into the perfect position...and maybe the labor you're going through will prevent tearing!!!
